A downloadable game


Quantum Repair Unit is 1-4 player collaborative card game focusing on memory. You only need one normal deck of cards!

Measurements show perturbations in the Higgs Field. If the meta-stable state of even one Higgs particle collapses, it will lead to a chain reaction spelling the end of physics and the universe as we know it. Or everything might be fine. It’s really hard to tell with quantum stuff 🤷

Depending on the above, The Quantum Repair Unit (QRU) is tasked with either saving the universe or wasting taxpayer money. As players, you take on the role of QRU personnel. The actual science of what you’re doing was deemed “boring” in a youth focus group, so we’ve replaced it with this card game that, uh, “slaps”. Just don’t think too much about how moving around cards is being translated into cutting edge science that could literally save or destroy the universe.


  • Target: a card placed at the center of the play space, face up.
  • Forecast: a line of positions leading to the target. If the target is the center of a wheel, forecasts are the spokes. Each position in a forecast has a face-down card, and may also have a face-up card. The front of a forecast is the position closest to the target.
  • Tunnel: to swap a face-up and face-down card that are in the same position on the forecast


Forecast size is:

  • 1-2 players => 3 cards
  • 3-4 players => 2 cards

Each player gets their own forecast. Each player should draw and place cards at each position in their forecast, face down. Once everyone has placed their cards, reveal and memorized them. Place them face down again. From now on, don’t look at face-down cards unless a rule says you can.

For single player, set up two forecasts just like for two players.

Turn Sequence

  1. Draw and place a card to the side, face up.
    • If the deck is empty, continue without placing a card.
  2. Move all face-up cards in your forecast forward one position.
    • If a face-up card is at the front of the forecast, move that card onto the target.
  3. If a face-up card moves onto the target:
    • Not matching values => game over! Woops.
    • Matching values => remove card and target.
    • No target => card becomes the target.
  4. Place the card drawn at the beginning of the turn at the back-most position in your forecast.

At any point during your turn, once per turn, you may tunnel a card in your forecast.

For single player, alternate between two forecasts.

Special Cards

A few cards may have additional effects when they are revealed by drawing or tunneling. The player chooses to use these effects or not.

  • Jack: look at any face-down card, or the top card of the deck.
  • Queen: switch a face-down card in your forecast with a face-down card in another forecast.
  • King: put any other face-up card at the bottom of the deck.
  • Ace: put this card at the bottom of the deck.


Once the deck is empty and all face-up cards have been matched, the game ends. Congratulations! Give your brain a pat, and a break.

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